Wednesday 19 August 2015

English Electric

Moray and I attended the Sunday afternoon performance by Big Big Train, a band rarely seen in the wild, on the 16th. Well, Moray did. Muggins here was stationed strategically behind tables full of lovely, lovely merchandise, not only so people could not get close enough to experience his horrifying ugliness, but as additional retail whirligig of The Merch Desk. But I'd been there all weekend, so nyah.

Yeah, so the gigs themselves were excellent, but we hijacked the occassion for our first, official photoshoot!

...OK, so we were enthusiastic. A second attempt was slightly more respectable...

Makes you think we should get a move on and make some more crazy-ass music., eh.

Friday 7 August 2015

Release, Release

Subject To Availability and Diatryma And The Terror Birds are released! Sort of. While we wait to figure out a deal with someone, we figured you might as well hear what these two at least sound like. So, they are streaming over on beloved Bandcamp. Stay tuned for actual release info!

Happy Birthtime, North Haversham! What In The Hell!

Thursday 6 August 2015

Radio Waves

There is nothing to make the bile rise more furiously up my gullet than the phrase 'Steve Wright In The Afternoon'. A DJ whose playlist consists of collections of Father's Day 'Dad Rocks' albums and 'Now That's What I Call Bobbins 11,003'. The dated vibe has all the dignity of a primary school disco hosted by the maths department. What kind of ego-fuelled cockswabble has canned audience applause in their own theme tune? And a horn melody that sounds like a weak fart in a jacuzzi.

Good God almighty, I hate Radio 2.